I cannot allow my name to be sullied, Russ said.

After his wife took to social media to detail the criticism and even “death wishes” his family has received, Russell Westbrook spoke out about the harassment they have been subjected to in their first season with the Los Angeles Lakers.

Westbrook, a 14-year veteran, nine-time All-Star and former NBA MVP, said the taunts are nothing new to him, but that he and his wife, Nina, are speaking out for two reasons: to defend the honor of the family name and to protect their children.

“I 100 percent support my wife and how she feels,” Westbrook said after Los Angeles’ 117-100 loss to the San Antonio Spurs on Monday. “When it comes to basketball, I don’t mind criticism for missing and shooting. But the minute my name is embarrassed, it becomes an issue.”

“I let it go in the past because it never really bothered me. But the other day it really got to me. My wife and I were at my son’s parent-teacher conference. And the teacher said to me, ‘Noah, he’s very proud of his last name. He writes it everywhere. He writes it on everything. He tells everybody and he goes around saying, ‘I’m Westbrook.'” … And I sat there in shock, and I realized, like, ‘Damn. I can’t let people [besmirch my name] anymore.'”

The Westbrooks have three children – Noah, 4, and twins Jordyn and Skye, 3.

Westbrook, who was acquired by the Lakers in the offseason in a roster-changing move, has become the poster child for the team’s troubles this season, deserved or not. LA entered the 2021-22 campaign as one of the favorites to win it all, and Monday’s loss, when Westbrook shot 5-for-14 overall, including 1-for-6 in the fourth quarter, with five turnovers, dropped the Lakers eight games below .500 with 18 games to play.

“‘Westbrick,’ for example, for me, now it’s embarrassing,” he said, referring to a condescending nickname that appears online seemingly every time he performs poorly. “It’s embarrassing my name, my legacy to my children. It’s a name that means a lot, not just to me, but to my wife, my mother, my father, those who paved the way for me.”

As the Lakers’ highest-paid player this season, with a salary of $44 million, Westbrook’s production has been the target of many fans frustrated with how inconsistent the Lakers have been. He’s averaging 18.1 points on 43.4% shooting from the field, 28.4% from three and 67% from the free throw line, along with 7.6 rebounds, 7.2 assists and 4.0 turnovers per game.

Late in the third quarter Monday, with both teams lined up at the free-throw line for a Spurs shot, Westbrook was caught on a fan’s phone on the sideline yelling at a fan, “Don’t disrespect my name.”

Westbrook vowed to get involved in a similar way if taunts like that occur in the future. “A lot of times I let it go. But now it’s time to put a stop to it and let it be known,” he said. “There is a difference. We have to make sure it’s understood. And any time I hear it now, I’m going to make sure I address it and nip it in the bud.”

Westbrook said the treatment by fans has caused his family to avoid attending his games in person.

“It affects them even going to games,” he said. “I don’t even want to take my kids to the game because I don’t want them to hear people calling their dad nicknames and other names for no reason because he’s playing the game he loves. And it’s gotten so bad that my family doesn’t even want to go to home games, any games … and it’s super unfortunate. And it pisses me off.

“I’m at a point where I’m going to keep treating him. It’s pitiful.”