‘Canelo’ Alvarez doesn’t get first ‘face-to-face’ with Joe Saunders, who calls for another measure in the ring

Canelo Alvarez doesn’t get first ‘one-on-one’ with Joe Saunders, who asks for another size in the ring

British boxer Billy Joe Saunders, absented himself from the first face-to-face with Saul ‘Canelo’ Alvarez prior to their fight in Texas, United States, arguing that the ring is not the size he wants.

Alvarez and Saunders will fight on the 8th of this month at Cowboys Stadium and the Texas Commission has two sizes for the ring, which are 5.5 and 6 meters, but the British fighter wants it to be seven meters.

The Mexican is willing to fight in any size of ring, but for now Saunders was absent from the first date prior to the fight to be held in the aforementioned Texas venue.

At the end of the fight, the World Boxing Council will award the Mestizo belt, which has details of Mexican charreria, which has already been presented by the organization.

“This belt is a piece elaborated by Mr. Raúl Pérez Carmona and Mrs. Vianey Rebeca Flores Martínez, from Toluca, which consists of a pita embroidery work in genuine leather, embroidered with two threads and with flowers in enhancement. It took 305 hours of work. The plaque was made by Miguel Angel Jurado in a process that lasted 50 hours and the final assembly was produced at Industrias Reyes with another 35 hours of work,” the CMB published at the time in a press release.

Thus, practically everything is ready for the fight, but Billy Joe Saunders did not attend the event, due to the size of the ring in which he will face ‘Canelo’ Alvarez.